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The Time of Renewing

The hour has arrived for renewal. In spirit, body and mind. The renewing of individuals and a nation.

God has reached down to us and is refreshing our lives in him, in peace, and in prosperity. We have been given hope. Not only as a nation but in the homes as well. Family is no longer a source of contention but a well of strength and continuation. No longer are people wondering alone but able to seek wisdom in those whom God has given.

Allow yourself to terminate the past and rejoice in the present and future to come. This time may not be long or it may last a 100 years. Only our Heavenly Father determines this fate.

Reach into your spirit to receive the multiple blessings about to arrive. Know the difference between right and wrong. Real and false, because the truth lies within.

Give praise in the Lord and in our Heavenly Father. Our time is now.

An Awakening

Today I awoke to turmoil in our great nation. Our founding fathers would be astounded at the state this country has been allowed to become.

We do not hear about it as much as the last decade, but amendment 1 of the Bill of Rights was threatened (U.S. Const. amend. I). Political correctness, government and leaders of institutions telling the American people what they can and cannot say. Even taking away pronouns and wanting to address individuals as neutral instead of male and female genders.

Now we have individuals in leadership roles and those seeking authoritative roles trying to take away our second amendment right. Look at the trouble in all the countries where weapons have been removed.

The argument would be, just assault rifles, not all weapons. We are granted the right in this country to bear arms and this right is not to be infringed upon. This right was not for hunting or just protecting our home, although protecting our family is a part of the core. Because our founding fathers stated a well-regulated militia is necessary to the freedom of a state (U.S. Const. amend. II). A good example of a successful country with this practice is Switzerland. Gun ownership to the Swiss is considered a patriotic duty to their country, Brueck, H (2019). Just as our founding fathers intended for the United States of America.

Rules and regulations are required in any successful society, within reason. We have the foundation laid for success. We just need individuals willing to enforce the laws in place.

A government that attempts to control and manipulate their governance over the people is tyranny. Our president has continually been called a fascist. Yet he is not the one forcing his agenda. He is working to bring freedom back to the people. A fascist controls the people as a dictator and no other rules apply but their own. The left wing radicals are fascist. They do not believe in any other view but their own and demean others who have a different opinion. No our president is not fascist, opinionated and honest in his views, but not a fascist


Brubeck, H. (2019, August 5).Switzerland has a stunning high rate of gun ownership

Citation [Def.1]. (n.d.). In Merriam Webster Online, Retrieved September 16, 2019, from

Citation [Def.1]. (n.d.). In Merriam Webster Online, Retrieved September 16, 2019, from

U.S. Const. amend. I and II.